Sparked’s First Annual Fall Ekphrastic Contest: CHERNOBYL

Entry Fee: Optional.
Optional? We request a $5 donation via Paypal, but we understand money doesn’t grow on trees. We appreciate the donations but we’re not requiring them.
Our pitch for the donation: $2.50 of this will go to journal operations (paying authors) and the rest will be added to the prize total for this little contest. Any donations over $5 will be acknowledged with a ‘thank you’ alongside the contest winner in the Fall issue.
Prize: The winning piece will receive $25+ via Paypal (donations will boost this number, a final prize amount will be announced on Notebooking Daily shortly after the deadline, and the winner published in the October ‘Fall’ issue). All pieces will be considered for publication in Sparked.
Deadline: 9/15
Genres: Fiction (up to 2 pieces*) or Poetry (up to 3 pieces*).
Fiction Length Restrictions: 2500 words for fiction (1000 is a sweet spot too for us)
Poetry Length Restrictions: 80 lines or fewer.
Content: No restrictions! As long as it’s clear how the image has inspired the piece you can write about whatever you’d like. I imagine we’ll get many pieces set in Chernobyl, but that is by no means required. Wow us with your interpretations of these awesome photos.
Guidelines: Send in your donation via Paypal with “Contest Entry” in the notes, then submit your poetry or fiction inspired by one or more of these images of Chernobyl via email to sparkedlitmag@gmail.com with the following: An email title formatted [Your Last Name]_CONTEST_[GENRE] (for instance “Huset_CONTEST_POETRY)”, a cover letter (with a third person bio under 100 words and the fiction/poems pasted into the body of the email. Do not send attachments.


*If you’d like to submit more—4 fiction or 6 poems, or if you send in a submission then write more pieces you’d like to send—we ask that you include a $10 donation to help fund our other authors (which will add $5 more to the contest’s prize).

The Photos


Photo by Peter Lam CH on Unsplash


Photo by Kato Blackmore on Unsplash


Photo by Kato Blackmore on Unsplash


Photo by Silver Ringvee on Unsplash


Photo by Viktor Kharlashkin on Unsplash


Photo by Viktor Kharlashkin on Unsplash